Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
At QAUYYW, we understand that plans can change. If you need to cancel your order, please review the following details regarding our cancellation process.
Cancellation Timeframe
You may cancel your order within 1 hour of placing it. We strive to process orders quickly, so after this period, your order may have already entered the processing or shipping phase, making cancellation not possible.
How to Cancel an Order
To cancel your order within the eligible timeframe, follow these steps:
- Contact us immediately at with your order number and cancellation request.
- Our customer service team will verify the status of your order. If it's within the 1-hour window, we will assist you in canceling the order.
- If the order has already been processed or shipped, we will guide you through our Return & Refund Policy.
Refund for Cancelled Orders
If your cancellation request is successfully processed within the 1-hour timeframe, a refund will be issued to your original payment method. Please allow a few business days for the refund to reflect in your account, depending on your bank's processing time.
Late Cancellation
Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee cancellations after the 1-hour window, as your order may already be in the processing or shipping phase. If this occurs, please refer to our Return and Refund Policy for further instructions.
Contact Information
For cancellation requests or any inquiries, please contact us at Our customer service team is here to assist you.
QAUYYW reserves the right to update or modify this Cancellation Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.
Thank you for choosing QAUYYW. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our cancellation policy.